Alfredo Salce, "The USSR defends the liberties of the world. Let us help her!" (1941)
I was vaguely familiar with the work of the Taller de Gráfica Popular (Popular Graphics Workshop, or TGP) but I never knew it had been directed by Hannes Meyer or that it was still standing today.

The TGP as it stands today, in the infamous yet picturesque Colonia Doctores
The TGP was established in 1937, during the golden age of Cardenismo, of course, on a street that was famous for its prostitutes. Most of the workshop's original members also belonged to the Liga de Escritores y Artistas Revolucionarios, the Revolutionary Writers and Artists League, or LEAR.

Leopoldo Méndez, "Nazism. 5th Conference. Nazi propaganda and espionage. Keynote speaker: J. Loredo Aparicio" The conferences was sponsored by the Pro-German Culture League of Mexico, an anti-fascist group of Teutonic expats.

Leopoldo Méndez, "Bring to the conscience of the popular masses, the conviction that the necessary elimination of Imperialist wars depends on the solidarity of workers. The Pacifist Congress" (1937)
The TGP printed everything from theater posters to populist didactic flyers and embellished political pamphlets.

Luis Arenal, "Enroll in the Communist Party. For the unity of the People. For the complete triumph of the Revolution. For a free, joyous Mexico" (1938)
Like most of the cultural production of the postrevolutionary ferment, by the late 1940s the TGP fell prey to the institutionalization of the Revolution, little more than an outlet for officialist propaganda of the "Pacific Revolution".

Alberto Beltrán,"May 1st. Labor Day. The CTM (the Confederation of Mexican Workers) united with all Mexicans for the greatness of the Nation" (1947)

Alberto Beltrán, "The corrido of the Peace Congress" (1949)
I love la Zona Rosa! The underwear-store display windows can't be beat. Plus the restaurants are pretty diverse for DF -- Korean, Spanish, Argentinean. And don't get me started on the Korean markets there... huge, fabulous daikons, homemade kimchi in plastic containers, bags of frozen potstickers... mmmm.
All things Korean are seriously underrated in Mexico. It's a cryin' shame.
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